This week episodes en un coup d'œil!
Bonjour à tous,
We just ended our 4th week after the end of lockdown.
☙ On Monday, we went for a long walk in Paris. We went to see Notre-Dame and the Eiffel Tower.
1838 — Lundi 1er juin 2020 — Journal de bord 77e jour : de Notre-Dame à la Tour Eiffel (1ère partie)
☙ On Tuesday, an episode from the past! In 2013, I was telling you about our neighbour, an old lady who had lost her sunglasses... or maybe she hadn't!
☙ Nathalie Iris, the bookseller's friend of the podcast, told us about a nice little novel. It's about a young man who is going to Venice with his girlfriend (a piano player). Unfortunately for him, his whole family decides to go with them!
☙ The last episode of this week is about mathematics. Micaela, Felicia and Lisa tell you about what they are studying in maths these days
☙ Sinon, the atmosphere in our neighbourhood is almost normal. We can go back to the "parc" after school.
Découvrez les 5 épisodes de cette semaine!